C4: CHORDS and CAFE Compuational Chorus Community of Practice


Climate Health Outcomes Research and Data Systems


Climate Change and Health Research Coordinating Center

What are computational best-practices?

We want to support and promote reproducible and open-source computational methods for the environmental health sciences. Best-practices include:

  • Open Source
  • Version Control
  • Continuous Integration
  • Unit and Integration Testing
  • Reproducible Pipelines

Focus Areas

We are developing a governance plan which will include focus areas, but we envision something along the lines of (1) Geospatial Methods (2) Health Analyses (3) Geophysics and (4) Computer Science

Get Involed

We are in the process of developing a strategy for forming the community of practice around best-practices for computational methods and applications in the environmental health sciences. We encourage anyone interested in this topic to provide their contact information below, so you can be involved.

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