Extract the regression coefficients (beta) for a PrestoGP model.
This method extracts a list containing the regression coefficients for a PrestoGP model.
A list containing the regression coefficients. Each element of the list corresponds to an outcome variable. The final element of the list contains the intercept(s).
It is important to note that the intercepts are estimated on the
transformed data. They are not useful for making predictions on the
original (untransformed) data. Use prestogp_predict
make predictions based on a PrestoGP model.
Messier, K.P. and Katzfuss, M. "Scalable penalized spatiotemporal land-use regression for ground-level nitrogen dioxide", The Annals of Applied Statistics (2021) 15(2):688-710.
soil <- soil[!is.na(soil[,5]),] # remove rows with NA's
y <- soil[,4] # predict moisture content
X <- as.matrix(soil[,5:9])
locs <- as.matrix(soil[,1:2])
soil.vm <- new("VecchiaModel", n_neighbors = 10)
soil.vm <- prestogp_fit(soil.vm, y, X, locs)
#> Estimating initial beta...
#> Estimation of initial beta complete
#> Beginning iteration 1
#> Estimating theta...
#> Estimation of theta complete
#> Estimating beta...
#> Estimation of beta complete
#> Iteration 1 complete
#> Current penalized negative log likelihood: 487.3677
#> Current MSE: 9.104869
#> Beginning iteration 2
#> Estimating theta...
#> Estimation of theta complete
#> Estimating beta...
#> Estimation of beta complete
#> Iteration 2 complete
#> Current penalized negative log likelihood: 487.1633
#> Current MSE: 9.107341
#> Beginning iteration 3
#> Estimating theta...
#> Estimation of theta complete
#> Estimating beta...
#> Estimation of beta complete
#> Iteration 3 complete
#> Current penalized negative log likelihood: 486.8547
#> Current MSE: 9.107155
#> Beginning iteration 4
#> Estimating theta...
#> Estimation of theta complete
#> Estimating beta...
#> Estimation of beta complete
#> Iteration 4 complete
#> Current penalized negative log likelihood: 486.8515
#> Current MSE: 9.107404
#> Beginning iteration 5
#> Estimating theta...
#> Estimation of theta complete
#> Estimating beta...
#> Estimation of beta complete
#> Iteration 5 complete
#> Current penalized negative log likelihood: 486.8515
#> Current MSE: 9.107404
#> $Y
#> NO3.N Total.N NH4.N DOC N20N
#> 0 0 0 0 0
#> $`(Intercept)`
#> (Intercept)
#> 11.40697