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Performs a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling procedure to create posterior samples for the random effect model specified above. Uses Gibbs updates when possible and reverts to Metropolis-Hastings with Gaussian random walk proposals where needed. The EC50 parameter varies over multiple orders of magnitude and involves a log normal proposal distribution.


RE_MCMC_fit(y_i, Cx, replicate_sets, n_iter = 10000, n_hill_par = 3)



a matrix of dose responses for individual chemicals. Rows are chemicals where each replicate has a separate row, columns are the dose, and entries are the response.


a matrix of the doses given for individual chemicals. Rows are chemicals where each replicate has a separate row, columns are the index, and the entry is the dose. Should match y_i


a list of vectors where each vector has the row index of all replicates of a particular chemical. The length of the list should match the number of unique chemicals.


the number of iterations, defaults to 10,000


specifies if the full Hill model with 3 parameters is fit (default) or if a simplified model with 2 parameters (slope =1) is fit. Useful for comparing our method to standard GCA, whcih requires slope=1.


a list with the full sampled chains for the parameters: slope (phi), sill+ec50 (theta1 and theta2), noise variance (sigma), random effects, random effect prior variances.