Authors and Citation
Source: inst/CITATION
Messier, P K, Reif, M D, Marvel, W S (2024). “The GeoTox Package: Open-source software for connecting spatiotemporal exposure to individual and population-level risk.” medRxiv. doi:10.1101/2024.09.23.24314096,,
@Article{, author = {{Messier} and Kyle P and {Reif} and David M and {Marvel} and Skylar W}, title = {The GeoTox Package: Open-source software for connecting spatiotemporal exposure to individual and population-level risk}, journal = {medRxiv}, year = {2024}, doi = {10.1101/2024.09.23.24314096}, elocationid = {2024.09.23.24314096}, url = {}, eprint = {}, }
Eccles, M K, Karmaus, L A, Kleinstreuer, C N, Parham, Fred, Rider, V C, Wambaugh, F J, Messier, P K (2023). “A geospatial modeling approach to quantifying the risk of exposure to environmental chemical mixtures via a common molecular target.” Science of The Total Environment, 855, 158905.
@Article{, author = {{Eccles} and Kristin M and {Karmaus} and Agnes L and {Kleinstreuer} and Nicole C and {Parham} and {Fred} and {Rider} and Cynthia V and {Wambaugh} and John F and {Messier} and Kyle P}, title = {A geospatial modeling approach to quantifying the risk of exposure to environmental chemical mixtures via a common molecular target}, journal = {Science of The Total Environment}, volume = {855}, pages = {158905}, year = {2023}, publisher = {Elsevier}, }