Calculate independent action response for a set of chemicals with Hill
concentration-response curves.
calc_independent_action(conc, max, AC50, Emax, n = 1)
- conc
concentrations in regular space
- max
maximal (asymptotic) responses
- AC50
concentrations of half-maximal response
- Emax
maximum mixture response
- n
Hill coefficients (slopes)
The concentration is computed as:
IA = E_{max} \times
1 - \prod\limits_{i} \left(1 - \frac{x_i}{E_{max}}\right)
where \(x_i = hill\_val(conc_i, max_i, AC50_i, n_i)\) is the Hill model
response function for each chemical.
n_chem <- 5
conc <- 10^sample(-1:4, n_chem, replace = TRUE)
max <- 80 * runif(n_chem)
AC50 <- 10^(5 * runif(n_chem) - 1)
Emax <- 100
calc_independent_action(conc, max, AC50, Emax)
#> [1] 79.86892