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Get C_ss Data for Fixed C_ss Generation Parameters


get_fixed_params(simulated_css, age)



list of pre-generated C_ss data, for details see: vignette("package_data", package = "GeoTox").


list of atomic vectors containing ages.


list of matrices containing C_ss values.


get_fixed_params(simulated_css = geo_tox_data$simulated_css,
                 age = list(c(25, 35, 55), c(15, 60)))
#> [[1]]
#>      87-86-5 95-95-4 133-06-2 101-14-4 63-25-2 510-15-6 106-50-3 91-94-1
#> [1,]   4.172  42.140    6.380  0.09562 0.08334  0.48490   0.3857  0.1128
#> [2,]  26.420   3.664    3.214  0.10350 0.03723  0.03873   0.2399  0.1850
#> [3,]   1.864   3.022    1.288  0.14240 0.09454  0.06997   0.4033  0.1868
#>      84-74-2 120-80-9 100-02-7 119-90-4 123-31-9 60-11-7 95-80-7 88-06-2
#> [1,]   2.133   0.9134   0.5047    9.146  0.09892   1.707   6.411   4.783
#> [2,]   1.150   0.4343   0.8290    4.596  0.04941   3.052   1.746   4.688
#> [3,]   2.207   1.0680   0.7836    5.935  0.68290   1.344  10.290   5.638
#>      92-87-5 101-77-9 53-96-3 72-43-5 56-38-2
#> [1,]  0.8269   3.2860   1.525  11.750  0.9994
#> [2,]  0.9672   1.2290   2.348   3.232  1.6010
#> [3,]  2.2520   0.5107   4.196   4.497  2.5240
#> [[2]]
#>      87-86-5 95-95-4 133-06-2 101-14-4 63-25-2 510-15-6 106-50-3 91-94-1
#> [1,]   2.253   4.540    1.978  0.12880  1.1870   0.5913   0.2580 0.05482
#> [2,]   4.992   7.646    2.515  0.07632  0.4348   0.7224   0.2187 0.46030
#>      84-74-2 120-80-9 100-02-7 119-90-4 123-31-9 60-11-7 95-80-7 88-06-2
#> [1,]   4.937    1.761   1.4030   47.300  0.08553   1.899 6.96500   4.013
#> [2,]   1.072    5.364   0.9973    8.322  0.08989   1.766 0.01844   3.141
#>      92-87-5 101-77-9 53-96-3 72-43-5 56-38-2
#> [1,]   1.602    1.508   4.217   4.497   1.646
#> [2,]   1.215    1.077   1.824   7.804   2.190