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Perform sensitivity analysis


sensitivity_analysis(x, max_mult = list(NULL, NULL, NULL, 1.2, NULL))



GeoTox object.


numeric list of length 5 for each step of the sensitivity analysis.


The same GeoTox object with added sensitivity field.


This wrapper function will sequentially call the compute_sensitivity function with inputs age, obesity, css_params, fit_params, and C_ext. The results will be returned as a named list and stored in the sensitivity field of the input GeoTox object.

Values of NULL in the max_mult input will use the default value stored in the GeoTox object (x$par$resp$max_mult). When a GeoTox object is created this is initialized at 1.5, but can be changed via the calculate_response function or directly in the object.


# Use a subset of the package data for demonstration purposes
n <- 10 # Population size
m <- 5 # Number of regions
idx <- if (m < 100) sample(1:100, m) else 1:100

# Create GeoTox object and populate required fields
geoTox <- GeoTox() |>
  # Simulate populations for each region
  simulate_population(age = split(geo_tox_data$age, ~FIPS)[idx],
                      obesity = geo_tox_data$obesity[idx, ],
                      exposure = split(geo_tox_data$exposure, ~FIPS)[idx],
                      simulated_css = geo_tox_data$simulated_css,
                      n = n) |>
  # Estimated Hill parameters
  set_hill_params(geo_tox_data$dose_response |>
                    fit_hill(assay = "endp", chem = "casn") |>
                    dplyr::filter(!, !

# Sensitivity analysis can now be done
geoTox <- geoTox |> sensitivity_analysis()