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This vignette will demonstrate how the prediction grid points at 1-km resolution are generated from the polygon data of the mainland US with terra package.


  • We set the upper left and lower right corners then make regular grid points at 1,000 meter interval.
  • EPSG:5070, Conus Albers equal area projection, is used throughout this vignette.
usmain <- tigris::states(progress_bar = FALSE)
exclude <- c("02", "15", "60", "66", "68", "69", "72", "78")
usmain <- usmain[!usmain$STATEFP %in% exclude, ]
usmain <- terra::vect(usmain)
usmain <- terra::aggregate(usmain)
usmain <- terra::project(usmain, "EPSG:5070")


Regular or random points can be generated from an extent or a polygon object with terra::spatSample() or sf::st_sample(). A faster way of generating regular points is to leverage a raster object, where cells are organized in a regular grid. The code block below generates 1-km resolution grid points following steps:

  1. Identify corners to generate a rectangular extent (i.e., SpatExtent object from terra::ext())
  2. Create a SpatRaster object with a fixed resolution and coordinate system (in this case, EPSG:5070)
  3. Assign a value to the void raster
  4. Crop the raster object with the mainland US polygon
  5. Convert the cropped raster to points (we have a SpatVector object)
  6. Convert the SpatVector object to a three-column data.frame object
  7. Save the data.frame object from step 6 as an RDS file

Steps 6 and 7 reduce the file size substantially as all data in the data.frame from step 6 are in numeric type. This means the data can be compressed efficiently.

corner_ul <- c(-2.40, 3.26) * 1e6
corner_lr <- c(2.40, 0.12) * 1e6

corners <- c(corner_ul, corner_lr)
# reorganize xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, which are ll, ur form
corners_re <- corners[c(1, 3, 4, 2)]
names(corners_re) <- c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax")
corners_ext <- terra::ext(corners_re)
corners_ras <-
    resolution = c(1000L, 1000L),
    crs = "EPSG:5070"

terra::values(corners_ras) <- 1L
corners_ras_sub <-
    snap = "out",
    mask = TRUE

corners_pnts <- terra::as.points(corners_ras_sub)
corners_pnts_df <-, geom = "XY")
corners_pnts_df$site_id <- seq(1, nrow(corners_pnts_df))
names(corners_pnts_df)[2:3] <- c("lon", "lat")
corners_pnts_df <- corners_pnts_df[, c("site_id", "lon", "lat")]
  file = "./input/prediction_grid.rds",
  compress = "xz"

Below is a map of 10-km grid points in the mainland US for faster rendering. The actual 1-km result will look denser.

  cex = 0.1,
  main = "10-km grid points in the mainland US"