All functions |
Calibration of citizen weather station with regard to a reference network |
Clean Weather Underground data with CrowdQC+. Keep only observations passing all tests (o3 level) |
Clean Weather Underground data with CrowdQC+ on an area >100km*100km |
Convert temperature between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin |
Format an area to be used in clean_cws_large (cut in squares of res*res m2) |
Download all GHCN-H stations data in area between two dates |
Download GHCN-H station data of a given year |
Download all PurpleAir stations data in area between two dates |
Add temperature from a reference to citizen weather stations observations |
Find the closest reference site for each site in a cws object |
Find all the GHCN-H stations within a polygon |
Find the nearest GHCN-H station to a point |
Find a list of sensors in a specific area |
Tranform spatial objects to a POLYGON surrounding an area |
Format observations from raw data downloaded on NOAA website See function load_ghcnh_station. |
Format observations directly downloaded on PurpleAir API. |
Format observations sent by IBM. |
Generate unique sensor ID |
Hourly boxplot of temperature for per network (network) |
S4 constructor for weather station hourly observations |
Build a hourly_temp from a data.frame, data.table, sf or sftime |
If a file is provided, open data from file. If not, call download_pa(). |
Load Weather Underground stations for a given period and area. |
Remove NA and stations with too many NA |
map observations with imperviousness |
Find my home-made palettes |
Load PurpleAir sensor history data |
Load PurpleAir sensors history data |
Summarize hourly temperature at each site. This function might be used when stations record more than one observation per hour. |
Tile plot with temperature through time for all cws |
Timeseries plot of temperature |