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The calc_lagged() function calculates daily temporal lagged covariates from the output of calculate_covariates() or calc_*().


calc_lagged(from, date, lag, locs_id, time_id = "time", geom = FALSE)



data.frame(1). A data.frame containing calculated covariates returned from calculate_covariates() or calc_*().


character(2). Start and end dates of desired lagged covariates. Length of 10 each, format YYYY-MM-DD (ex. September 1, 2023 = "2023-09-01").


integer(1). Number of lag days.


character(1). Name of unique identifier.


character(1). Column containing time values.


logical(1). Should the function return a SpatVector? Default is FALSE. The coordinate reference system of the SpatVector is that of from. To return as a SpatVector, from must also be a SpatVector


a data.frame object


In order to calculate temporally lagged covariates, from must contain at least the number of lag days before the desired start date. For example, if date = c("2024-01-01", "2024-01-31) and lag = 1, from must contain data starting at 2023-12-31. If from contains geometry features, calc_lagged will return a column with geometry features of the same name. calc_lagged() assumes that all columns other than time_id, locs_id, and fixed columns of "lat" and "lon", follow the genre, variable, lag, buffer radius format adopted in calc_setcolumns().


## NOTE: Example is wrapped in `\dontrun{}` as function requires a large
##       amount of data which is not included in the package.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
loc <- data.frame(id = "001", lon = -78.90, lat = 35.97)
terracliamte_covar <- calc_terraclimate(
  from = terraclimate, # derived from process_terraclimate() example
  locs = loc,
  locs_id = "id",
  radius = 0,
  fun = "mean",
  geom = FALSE
  from = terracliamte_covar,
  locs_id = "id",
  date = c("2023-01-02", "2023-01-10"),
  lag = 1,
  time_id = "time"
} # }