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Downloading and pre-processing pre-generated EPA AQS data from their website

This script downloads pre-processed data from EPA’s AQS data for the desired variable, year(s), and temporal resolution.

The script also joins multiple years’ data into a single data frame, and downloads a file with metadata about all the monitors included in the dataset.

The first version of this script (August 2023) is written to download daily PM2.5 data for the period 2018-2022.

Available datasets can be found at the website

1. Setting up for data download

Specifying temporal resolution, parameter of interest, and year

resolution <- "daily"
parameter_code <- 88101 # Parameter Code for PM2.5 local conditions
startyear <- 2018
endyear <- 2022

Create a list of file URLs

file_urls <- sprintf(
  paste("", resolution,
    "_", parameter_code, "",
    sep = ""
## [1] ""
## [2] ""
## [3] ""
## [4] ""
## [5] ""

Specify download folder and desired name of the downloaded zip files

download_dir <- "../input/aqs/"
download_names <- sprintf(
    sep = ""
## [1] "../input/aqs/"
## [2] "../input/aqs/"
## [3] "../input/aqs/"
## [4] "../input/aqs/"
## [5] "../input/aqs/"

2. Downloading data

Download zip files from website

download.file(file_urls, download_names, method = "libcurl")

Construct string with unzipped file names

csv_names <- sprintf(
  paste(download_dir, resolution, "_",
    parameter_code, "_%.0f.csv",
    sep = ""

3. Processing data

Unzip and read in .csv files, process and join in one dataframe. The unique site identifier “ID.Code” is a string with the structure State-County-Site-Parameter-POC

for (n in seq_along(file_urls)) {
  # Unzips file to same folder it was downloaded to
  unzip(download_names[n], exdir = download_dir)

  # Read in dataframe
  print(paste("reading and processing file:", csv_names[n], "..."))
  data <- read.csv(csv_names[n], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Make unique site identifier: State-County-Site-Parameter-POC
  data$ID.Code <- paste(data$State.Code, data$County.Code,
    data$Site.Num, data$Parameter.Code,
    sep = "-"

  # Concatenate with other years
  if (n == 1) {
    data_all <- data
  } else {
    data_all <- rbind(data_all, data)
## [1] "reading and processing file:../input/aqs/daily_88101_2018.csv..."
## [1] "reading and processing file:../input/aqs/daily_88101_2019.csv..."
## [1] "reading and processing file:../input/aqs/daily_88101_2020.csv..."
## [1] "reading and processing file:../input/aqs/daily_88101_2021.csv..."
## [1] "reading and processing file:../input/aqs/daily_88101_2022.csv..."

4. Downloading monitor metadata file and filter for relevant sites

Download monitors file

destfile <- paste(download_dir, "", sep = "")
download.file("", destfile)

Unzip and read in

unzip(destfile, exdir = download_dir)
monitors <- read.csv("../input/aqs/aqs_monitors.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Create site identifier

# Convert from string to numeric to get rid of leading zeros,
# the NAs introduced are from monitors in Canada with site number="CC"
monitors$State.Code <- as.numeric(monitors$State.Code)
monitors$ID.Code <- paste(monitors$State.Code, monitors$County.Code,
  monitors$Site.Num, monitors$Parameter.Code,
  sep = "-"
monitors <- read.csv("../input/aqs/aqs_monitors.csv",
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

Filter monitors file to include only monitors in our csv

monitors_filter <- monitors[which(monitors$ID.Code %in% data_all$ID.Code), ]

5. Uploading data to desired folder

savepath <- "../input/aqs/"

write.csv(data_all, paste(savepath, resolution, "_", parameter_code, "_",
  startyear, "-", endyear, ".csv",
  sep = ""
write.csv(monitors_filter, paste(savepath, "monitors_", parameter_code, "_",
  startyear, "-", endyear, ".csv",
  sep = ""