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  • Users can access multi-threaded central processing units and sufficient memory (i.e., at least 4GB/thread)
  • Single-node calculation: as of version 0.3.0, chopin only supports single-node

Basic workflow

Minimize errors

  • Consider using try() or tryCatch() to let an error will not halt all the work without results, especially when using higher-level functions

Raster-Vector overlay

  • Use chopin::par_make_gridset to make exhaustive and padded grid objects in SpatVector class
  • chopin::par_grid filters features that intersect with each grid. Post-processing is necessary as polygons may be taken more than twice in parallelized calculation.


  • chopin way to parallelize is to iterate calculation over a list then to use future.apply function
  • If one wants to customize parallelization workflow like chopin, consider:
    • Make list objects with:
      • An extent vector in each element
      • Preprocessed vector objects with respect to each extent vector in the first list
      • Preferably all lists are named
    • terra’s SpatRaster objects made from external files are Rcpp pointers, which cannot be exported to processes in parallelization. Thus, users should
      • Use file or database table paths instead of SpatRaster objects in future parallel processing workflow

Save computing costs

  • Most of HPC systems have CPU-memory usage quota for users
  • Always run a small amount of data to estimate the total computational demand.
    • profvis::profvis() helps to summarize runtime per function call and memory usage
  • For testing, use future::plan(future::sequential) to see single-thread. Keep chopin::par_make_gridset arguments the same then only take one or two grids using lapply. Preferably the hardest case will be tested to estimate the maximum peak memory usage per thread.
  • Submit a job with a proper amount of computational assets: each HPC management system offers tools to see statistics and task summaries. Use these records to plan asset allocation for the next time.