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Get C_ss values for use in sensitivity_analysis and compute_sensitivity.


get_fixed_css(simulated_css, age, obesity, C_ss)



list of pre-generated C_ss data, for details see: vignette("package_data", package = "GeoTox").


list of atomic vectors containing ages.


list of atomic vectors containing obesity status.


list of matrices containing C_ss values.


list of matrices or atomic vectors containing C_ss values.


# Define inputs
age <- list(c(25, 35, 55),
            c(15, 60))
obesity <- list(c("Obese", "Normal", "Obese"),
                c("Normal", "Normal"))
C_ss <- sample_Css(simulated_css = geo_tox_data$simulated_css,
                   age = age,
                   obesity = obesity)

# Get fixed C_ss data
get_fixed_css(simulated_css = geo_tox_data$simulated_css,
              age = age,
              obesity = obesity,
              C_ss = C_ss)
#> $age
#> $age[[1]]
#>      87-86-5 95-95-4 133-06-2 101-14-4 63-25-2 510-15-6 106-50-3 91-94-1
#> [1,]  5.6245   6.656   2.3210  0.20555 0.10435  0.11010  0.35850  0.1832
#> [2,]  6.7320   8.194   3.0145  0.26055 0.13450  0.14015  0.48860  0.2070
#> [3,]  9.7745  10.615   3.7720  0.34805 0.18920  0.21190  0.66345  0.2928
#>      84-74-2 120-80-9 100-02-7 119-90-4 123-31-9 60-11-7 95-80-7 88-06-2
#> [1,]  1.2445   1.4985  0.84285   6.7105  0.30055  2.2450  3.4785  3.3765
#> [2,]  1.6280   1.9545  1.17400   7.3715  0.39220  2.7920  3.8750  4.4375
#> [3,]  2.2435   2.5475  1.44250   8.6155  0.53005  3.6225  4.6450  6.2555
#>      92-87-5 101-77-9 53-96-3 72-43-5 56-38-2
#> [1,]  1.0200   1.3740   3.187  4.7235  2.6265
#> [2,]  1.2380   1.6265   3.648  5.8290  3.2970
#> [3,]  1.5575   2.1620   4.755  7.8175  4.3650
#> $age[[2]]
#>      87-86-5 95-95-4 133-06-2 101-14-4  63-25-2 510-15-6 106-50-3 91-94-1
#> [1,]  4.3915  4.7355   1.7015  0.16175 0.073885 0.089035  0.27315  0.1245
#> [2,]  9.7745 10.6150   3.7720  0.34805 0.189200 0.211900  0.66345  0.2928
#>      84-74-2 120-80-9 100-02-7 119-90-4 123-31-9 60-11-7 95-80-7 88-06-2
#> [1,] 0.97755   1.1135  0.68195   5.3505  0.20900  1.6395   2.781  2.6675
#> [2,] 2.24350   2.5475  1.44250   8.6155  0.53005  3.6225   4.645  6.2555
#>      92-87-5 101-77-9 53-96-3 72-43-5 56-38-2
#> [1,]  0.7936    1.023   2.194  3.9780  1.9685
#> [2,]  1.5575    2.162   4.755  7.8175  4.3650
#> $params
#> $params[[1]]
#>      87-86-5 95-95-4 133-06-2 101-14-4 63-25-2 510-15-6 106-50-3 91-94-1
#> [1,]   4.404   1.304   0.9946   0.1019 0.04979  0.43940   0.2574  0.7429
#> [2,]   1.794  32.430   2.6440   0.1599 0.04364  0.09107   0.4853  0.1834
#> [3,]   2.488   3.664   3.0900   0.1390 0.51990  0.34070   0.3184  0.1107
#>      84-74-2 120-80-9 100-02-7 119-90-4 123-31-9 60-11-7 95-80-7 88-06-2
#> [1,]   1.054   0.3659   2.6660    9.064  0.24880   1.199   5.052   2.255
#> [2,]   8.483   0.4516   0.3714    6.947  0.09955   1.903   3.510  21.050
#> [3,]   1.894  10.5200   0.4136    8.771  0.43830   2.793   3.054  10.570
#>      92-87-5 101-77-9 53-96-3 72-43-5 56-38-2
#> [1,]  0.4169   0.4320   3.021   4.555   7.446
#> [2,]  0.9420   2.2440   2.558   6.807   2.245
#> [3,]  0.8401   0.4163   7.539   5.202   1.437
#> $params[[2]]
#>      87-86-5 95-95-4 133-06-2 101-14-4 63-25-2 510-15-6 106-50-3 91-94-1
#> [1,]   3.377  15.970    2.644   0.1924  0.2514  0.03926   0.1348 0.08410
#> [2,]   6.774   2.429    9.401   0.3423  0.2218  0.05910   0.6323 0.07476
#>      84-74-2 120-80-9 100-02-7 119-90-4 123-31-9 60-11-7 95-80-7 88-06-2
#> [1,]  8.4830    9.282    5.442     7.93   0.3137  0.8692   5.278  3.5190
#> [2,]  0.5505    1.997    0.282    11.91   0.3024  2.0040   2.158  0.3827
#>      92-87-5 101-77-9 53-96-3 72-43-5 56-38-2
#> [1,]  0.4107   2.4650   4.070  43.480   1.466
#> [2,]  1.4260   0.9017   1.315   7.185   2.598
#> $obesity
#> $obesity[[1]]
#>      87-86-5 95-95-4 133-06-2 101-14-4 63-25-2 510-15-6 106-50-3 91-94-1
#> [1,]  7.4820  8.6775    2.965  0.28405  0.1432 0.153750   0.5077 0.22425
#> [2,]  4.4205  4.9300    1.849  0.16290  0.0820 0.088135   0.3035 0.12915
#> [3,]  7.4820  8.6775    2.965  0.28405  0.1432 0.153750   0.5077 0.22425
#>      84-74-2 120-80-9 100-02-7 119-90-4 123-31-9 60-11-7 95-80-7 88-06-2
#> [1,]   1.726   2.0710   1.1730   7.3635   0.4089  2.9815   3.926   4.751
#> [2,]   1.037   1.2025   0.7162   5.8545   0.2387  1.7780   2.953   2.757
#> [3,]   1.726   2.0710   1.1730   7.3635   0.4089  2.9815   3.926   4.751
#>      92-87-5 101-77-9 53-96-3 72-43-5 56-38-2
#> [1,] 1.31000    1.758  3.8180  6.3620  3.6535
#> [2,] 0.80915    1.087  2.3715  3.7635  2.1955
#> [3,] 1.31000    1.758  3.8180  6.3620  3.6535
#> $obesity[[2]]
#>      87-86-5 95-95-4 133-06-2 101-14-4 63-25-2 510-15-6 106-50-3 91-94-1
#> [1,]  4.4205    4.93    1.849   0.1629   0.082 0.088135   0.3035 0.12915
#> [2,]  4.4205    4.93    1.849   0.1629   0.082 0.088135   0.3035 0.12915
#>      84-74-2 120-80-9 100-02-7 119-90-4 123-31-9 60-11-7 95-80-7 88-06-2
#> [1,]   1.037   1.2025   0.7162   5.8545   0.2387   1.778   2.953   2.757
#> [2,]   1.037   1.2025   0.7162   5.8545   0.2387   1.778   2.953   2.757
#>      92-87-5 101-77-9 53-96-3 72-43-5 56-38-2
#> [1,] 0.80915    1.087  2.3715  3.7635  2.1955
#> [2,] 0.80915    1.087  2.3715  3.7635  2.1955
#> $other
#> $other[[1]]
#> [1] 1.871 1.871 1.871
#> $other[[2]]
#> [1] 1.4375 1.4375