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This function will return a SpatRaster object with values of selected subdatasets. Swath data include curvilinear grids, which require warping/rectifying the original curvilinear grids into rectilinear grids. The function internally warps each of inputs then mosaic the warped images into one large SpatRaster object. Users need to select a subdataset to process. The full path looks like "HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:{file_path}:mod06:subdataset", where file_path is the full path to the hdf file.


  path = NULL,
  date = NULL,
  subdataset = NULL,
  suffix = ":mod06:",
  resolution = 0.05,



character. Full paths of hdf files.


character(1). Date to query.


character. Subdatasets to process. Unlike other preprocessing functions, this argument should specify the exact subdataset name. For example, when using MOD06_L2 product, one may specify c("Cloud_Fraction", "Cloud_Optical_Thickness"), etc. The subdataset names can be found in terra::describe() output.


character(1). Should be formatted :{product}:, e.g., :mod06:


numeric(1). Resolution of output raster. Unit is degree (decimal degree in WGS84).


For internal use.


  • a SpatRaster object (crs = "EPSG:4326"): if path is a single file with full specification of subdataset.

  • a SpatRaster object (crs = "EPSG:4326"): if path is a list of files. In this case, the returned object will have the maximal extent of multiple warped layers


Insang Song


## NOTE: Example is wrapped in `\dontrun{}` as function requires a large
##       amount of data which is not included in the package.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
mod06l2_swath <- process_modis_swath(
  path = list.files(
    full.names = TRUE,
    pattern = ".hdf"
  date = "2024-01-01",
  subdataset = "Cloud_Fraction",
  suffix = ":mod06:",
  resolution = 0.05
} # }